Berjaya Sompo Private Motor Insurance

Give your car the protection it deserves. Get rid of the fear of losing your car to a thief, wrecked in accidents and any injury or death to third party road users.

Berjaya Sompo Private Motor Insurance
Free Drivers
Free Towing
up to RM200
Claim Payout
Agreed Value
from just RM400
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Cover Type
0% Repair Cost
for vehicles aged 5 years and below
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What can I claim from this insurance policy?

CoveragePrivate Cars
Bodily Injury
Did you cause an accident where somebody got hurt?
Unlimited coverage
Loss or Damage to Your Own Vehicle
Claim if your car's been stolen or wrecked due to road accident or fire
Loss or Damage of Property
Negligent on the road? Give compensation to other pedestrians or motorists
Legal Costs
Lawyer fees when you're the defendant in court
Up to RM2k
Accidental Death
Do not add to fatalities on the road. Stay focused behind the wheel
Unlimited coverage
Add on CoveragePrivate Cars
Windshield cracked, scratched, or simply broken? Claim without losing NCD
Car Accessories
Claim for a stolen stereo or custom rims without losing your NCD
Special Perils Cover
Driving in dangerous conditions? You're covered for floods, typhoons, and landslides
Legal Liability of Passengers
Cover for bodily injury caused by your passengers
Legal Liability to Passengers
Protection against legal action brought against you by your passengers


Roadside Assistance Hotline
Claim Assistance Hotline
Berjaya Sompo Hotline

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Berjaya Sompo Private Motor Insurance - comprehensive protection

Berjaya Sompo Private Motor Insurance is comprehensive car insurance that will protect you and your finances because of any damage or loss to your car due to a road accident, fire, or theft. 

Additionally, any harm or damage you cause to third parties will be covered.

You may be confident with your driving, but some situations just cannot be avoided - how are you going to prevent your car from being stolen while you're away on holiday?

Or if other motorists are being negligent on the road? 

To avoid draining your finances in the future, apply for this car insurance online! 

You may pay a little now to avoid paying a fortune later.

What kind of vehicles can I insure with this policy?

There are two types of vehicles you can get insured with this comprehensive motor insurance policy, which are private cars and motorcycles - used for own use only, whether for business or pleasure.

Bear in mind that you cannot be covered under the following circumstances:

  • When you provide your vehicle for hire 
  • Used for racing on the road, especially those illegal ones!
  • Used for any purpose in the Motor Trade

The car and motorcycle insurance optional benefits

If you're concerned about a cracked windscreen or your passenger's safety, you can apply for additional benefits listed below:

  • Windscreen damage
  • Liability for any injury or death caused to passengers
  • Damage due to natural disasters such as flood and landslide
  • Vehicle Accessories such as stereo system and seats
  • Current Year No-claim-discount, only applicable for private cars)
  • Compensation for long repair periods in the workshop (for both private and commercial cars)

How are my premium payments determined?

Your total motor insurance premium payment will vary depending on the total sum insured (be careful not to under or over-insure your vehicle!), engine size, and no-claim-discount entitlement, among other factors to be considered during the underwriting process. 

Remember that your rates will be based on a risk assessment meaning, your details as the driver will be taken into account as well.

Do I have to pay an excess to Berjaya Sompo for accident claims?

Yes, for new 'P' licensed drivers, or if you're an uninsured driver of the car, you will have to pay RM400 for any motor claims made to Berjaya Sompo. 

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