Pacific and Orient Third Party Fire & Theft Motor Insurance

Insure your vehicle against explosion, thieves or financial issues caused by third party death and bodily injury claims with Pacific and Orient car insurance.

Pacific and Orient Third Party Fire & Theft Motor Insurance
Free Drivers
Free Towing
up to RM200
Claim Payout
Market Value
from just RM400
Buy Online
Not Available


Cover Type
Third Party Fire & Theft
Not Available


What can I claim from this insurance policy?

CoveragePrivate Cars
Bodily Injury
Did you cause an accident where somebody got hurt?
Loss or Damage to Your Own Vehicle
Claim if your car's been stolen or wrecked due to road accident or fire
Loss or Damage of Property
Negligent on the road? Give compensation to other pedestrians or motorists
Up to RM3m
Legal Costs
Lawyer fees when you're the defendant in court
Up to RM2k
Accidental Death
Do not add to fatalities on the road. Stay focused behind the wheel


Roadside Assistance Hotline
Claim Assistance Hotline
Pacific and Orient Hotline

More Information

Pacific and Orient Third Party Fire & Theft Motor Insurance Coverage

Apart from the legal liability to third-party for bodily injury or death e.g. when you accidentally run over an unfortunate soul, Pacific and Orient Third Party Fire & Theft Motor Insurance policy will also indemnify you in case your vehicle get caught in an accidental fire or was stolen.

How much should I insure?

To be safe, it is advisable that you insure your vehicle at the current market value. 

For example, the sum insured for a new car will be its purchase price, whereas for existing car is its current market value at the time of loss.

This will form the basis of determining the total premium you need to pay. 

If you want to get an idea of much your car worth, check your vehicle market value here.

What if there is no claim within the car insurance policy year?

If you have not made a claim for a continuous period of 12 months of your car insurance policy, you will earn a no-claim discount (NCD), which will be applied every time you renew your insurance.

Think of it as a reward for being a good driver: the scrupulous you are by keeping claim-free years of insurance, the higher the NCD, which is up to 55% by the way, you will get.

Interestingly, you can enjoy great discount when you renew your insurance every year!

Can I cancel my Pacific and Orient Third Party Fire & Theft Motor Insurance policy?

You can do so by writing to Pacific and Orient Insurance Co Berhad within seven days from the date of cancellation. 

You will be entitled to a refund of the premium ONLY for a cancellation that occurred within 8 months of the period of the car insurance.

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