What is the Takaful IKHLAS Comprehensive Commercial Vehicle about?
Takaful IKHLAS Comprehensive Commercia Vehicle certificate provides cover against liabilities to other parties for injury or death, damage to other parties’ property and accidental or fire damage to your vehicle or theft of your vehicle.
The Shariah concepts incorporated in this Takaful car insurance
- Tabarru’ means donation for the purpose of solidarity and cooperation among the Takaful Participants and to be used to help Takaful Participants in times of misfortune. In the context of Takaful IKHLAS, Tabarru’ will be allocated into the Risk Fund.
- Wakalah means agency. In this context, it refers to a contract between Company and the Takaful Participant where the Takaful Participant authorizes the Company to manage the fund on his/her behalf, which allows the Company to charge a Wakalah fee.
Are there optional benefits?
Optional benefits that you may wish to extend the coverage by paying additional Takaful Contribution are:
- Strike, riot and civil commotion.
- Windscreen, window or sunroof damage.
- Damage arising from acts of nature.
- Accidental and unforeseen damage to the boom of the crane while in use as a tool of trade.
Duration of cover is for one year. You need to renew the Takaful Certificate annually.
How much Takaful contribution do I have to pay?
There are several factors that will affect your car insurance premium calculation. Some of them are risk assessment factors that include personal details of the driver as well.
Here are some of the things that might increase or decrease your premium rates;
- Value of the vehicle
- Engine capacity
- Loading
- Sum Insured
- Age of Driver
- Gender
- Occupation and Education
- Place of Residence
- Claim history
Where can I get further information?
Simply log on to www.insuranceinfo.com.my or contact Takaful IKHLAS at 03-2723 9999!