UOB High Yield Account

An efficient money management account - with monthly statements to keep up to date with your spending patterns, while earning higher interest rates on your deposits.

UOB High Yield Account
Interest Rate
0.02% to 2.65% p.a.
Min. Deposit
Reward Points
Phone Banking
Account Statement

Interest Rate

What you earn based on the amount that you have in your account

Min. AmountMax. AmountInterest Rate
RM100,001RM300,0000.02% p.a.
RM300,001RM800,0000.85% p.a.
RM800,001RM3,500,0001.85% p.a.
RM3,500,001RM10,000,0002.25% p.a.
RM10,000,001No maximum2.65% p.a.


What would make it different?

Instant Overdraft
Overdraft Prescribed Rate
BR + 3.76% p.a.
Online Banking
UOB Personal Internet Banking
Mobile App
Reward Points
PIDM Protected
Up to RM250,000

Fees & Charges

MEPS Withdrawal Fee
HOUSe Withdrawal Fee
Overseas Withdrawal Fee
Early Closure Fee
Dishonoured Cheque Fee
Stop Payment Cheque Fee


Minimum Age
  • 21 years old
Minimum Initial Deposit
Who can apply
  • Malaysians
  • Foreigners

More Information

Am I eligible to apply for UOB High Yield Account?

Let’s go through the checklist below to find out if you are qualified to sign up for UOB High Yield Account (also known as UOB Privilege Account):

  • You must be at least 21 years old;
  • You must be a customer of UOB Privilege Banking with a minimum balance of RM500,000 in deposit and/or investment; and
  • Malaysians with NRIC or Foreigners with valid Passport.

Now, if you have met all the requirements above, prepare a minimum initial deposit of RM5,000 to open this premium current account.

What benefits can I get from UOB Privilege Account?

This current account is aimed at high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals with various financial and wealth needs.

The bigger the amount you have in this current account, the higher the interest rate you will earn as UOB Privilege Account also considers your total banking relationship (financing and/or investment) with the premier bank.

You will also receive a special brokerage rate when you trade in financial assets through UOB Kay Hian, in addition to a high adjustable online transaction limit of up to RM250,000 when you sign for Personal Internet Banking.

That’s not all, you are also entitled for SMART$ Cash Program, i.e. a cash rebate program that allows you to redeem items at participating merchants through cashback.

Do I get an Overdraft Facility upon Current Account opening?

Overdraft facility will be granted to you, subject to an agreed limit. You can over draw the amount in your current account and will be charged an interest rate of BR + 3.76% p.a..

The overdraft is a revolving credit that can be replenished when you promptly repay within a specified period.

Do I get a free cheque book and debit card?

You can request for a cheque book to perform large and recurrent transactions at a small issuance fee. Besides, you will be issued with a UOB Debit MasterCard so that you can perform seamless transactions and cash withdrawals.

What are the fees and charges I should know?

These are few but significant fees and charges you should be aware of:

  • Commitment Fee on unutilized standby credit: Not Applicable
  • Monthly Account Consolidation Fee: RM5
  • Early Account Closure: RM20, if closed within 3 months of opening
  • Debit Card Annual Fee: RM8
  • Cheque Processing Fee: RM0.50 per leaf, plus RM0.15 Stamp Duty
  • Dishonoured Cheque: RM100, due to insufficient funds
  • Stop Payment Cheque: RM10, upon request

Is my money protected under PIDM?

Absolutely. Your deposit will be protected under PIDM for up to RM250,000.

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