Charging your credit card for those more expensive purchases is the new norm in this day and age. However, those charges do entail an interest rate that increases the more you fail to pay your bills.
Go for a smarter option and check out the Standard Chartered FlexiPay Plus instalment plan!
What does it do?
From medical expenses to automobile servicing to the latest gadgets, FlexiPay Plus allows you to convert these purchases and help you save.
Not only do you get to pay off your purchase or expense in smaller instalments, but with a much lower interest rate of 9.88% per annum (for new-to-bank individuals).
The minimum charge required for this plan to work is RM500. Under this plan, you can make your repayments over a period ranging from 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 or 60 months without considering it an immediate expense that will break your bank.
How do I apply?
For your ultimate convenience, the application for this plan is entirely online. Simply go to the Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App and log in.
Select your credit card on the homepage, and click on the ‘Select for FlexiPay Plus’ box on the transaction you wish to convert. That’s it! Submit your application online and simply wait for an approval confirmation.
You should see the first instalment and the lower rate on your next statement.
Are there any specifications?
Yes. You need to apply for this plan within 30 days of the date of your transaction, if you have already paid your credit card statement, then this purchase will no longer be allowed to be converted into FlexiPay Plus.
With a plan like this, all your instalments must be paid in full and on time, any amount not paid within the stipulated period will be charged with the regular interest rate of 18% per annum.
Lastly, this plan is exclusively for principal cardholders only.