KFH International Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i

Maximise the return on your investment, whether you're in it for the short or long term. Earn attractive profit the Islamic way with Kuwait Finance House!

KFH International Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i
Min. Deposit
Daily Interest
Early Withdrawal

Fixed Deposit Calculator

Profit Rate

What you earn based on the amount that you have in your account

You DepositDeposit PeriodEffective Profit Rate
min. RM5001 month2.08% p.a.
min. RM5003 months2.13% p.a.
min. RM5006 months2.33% p.a.
min. RM5009 months2.4% p.a.
min. RM50012 months2.5% p.a.

Fees & Charges

Lost of Fixed Deposit Certificate
  • RM10 Indemnity Stamp Duty
  • RM5 Service Charge


Minimum Age
  • 18 years old
Who can apply
  • Malaysians
  • Permanent residents
  • Individuals/Joint Account
  • Non-individuals

More Information

What do I need to know about KFH International Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i?

KFH International Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i is a Shariah-compliant fixed-rate investment based on the Islamic principle of Murabahah and Tawarruq. 

Under these principles, KFH will let you know how much profit you will be made upfront.

You can start with a low initial investment of RM500 for three months or longer. For a one-month tenure, the minimum requirement is RM500. 

The available tenure is 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, or any other tenure period as determined by the bank from time to time. You can make placement and redemption conveniently if you have signed up for KFH Online banking services.

How do I open this KFH International Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i?

This investment account is only available for individuals aged 18 and above. It is open to Malaysians, permanent residents and non-residents. 

You can open an individual or joint account with your Identification Card.

Companies, clubs, associations, societies, professionals and government agencies can also open this account.

Can I withdraw my investment before maturity?

Yes, you can. You may receive some profit subject to how long you have placed your investment and when you withdraw it - partial withdrawals are not allowed.

Can I renew this investment?

Yes. The bank will automatically renew under the same terms and tenure together with the profit earned if you do not give any instruction to terminate or withdraw your investment by the date of maturity. 

Once again, this can be easily done online!

Does PIDM protect this KFH General Investment Account-i?

Yes. It is covered by PIDM for up to RM250,000.

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