AIA A-Life Cancer360

Safeguard yourself from the risks of cancer with AIA A-Life Cancer360 that guarantees 100% payment of sum assured - with early stage cancer & recovery benefits.

AIA A-Life Cancer360
Min Sum Covered
No. of Illness
Entry Age
14 days - 60 years
Max Cover Age
Not applicable
Early Stage Coverage


What can I claim from this insurance policy?

  • Cancer

Contact Info

Who do I contact for any inquiries?

AIA Customer Care Hotline


Minimum Entry Age
At least 14 days of age
Maximum Entry Age
At most 60 years of age
Maximum Renewal Age
At most 80 years of age

More Information

What makes AIA A-Life Cancer360 different from other critical illness insurance?

One of the top leading causes of death in the world, the risks of cancer can become real one day for anyone - from all walks of life, no matter their age group.

AIA A-Life Cancer360 is your financial security policy from the risks of cancer and the expensive costs for treatment. 

Starting from early stage cancer till recovery, you'll be guaranteed the extra financial backing that you'll need to take the next step, from treatment to recovery. 

How much will I be insured for with this AIA insurance?

ThisAIA insurance gives you the flexibility to choose your own sum assured from RM50,000 up to RM300,000. 

Upon Maturity, you will be entitled to the full 100% of the sum assured in your policy! The maturity of your contract will be the coverage term of your AIA insurance plan. 

The benefit payout of this critical illness insurance

If you are diagnosed with early stage cancer such as carcinoma in-situ, early prostrate cancer and early thyroid cancer just to list a few, a one-off payment of 30% of your sum assured will be given to you. 

On top of that, you'll receive 10% of the sum assured as a recovery reward once on the 6th and 12th month after your early stage cancer detection.

Your critical illness insurance sum assured will also reset to 100% on the 12th month, so all claims made during early stage cancer and the recovery reward will be cleared away. 

That being said, if you make a claim within 12 months from the date of your early state cancer diagnosis, you will only be entitled to the amount minus any benefit paid previously.

Should you be diagnosed with cancer, AIA will disbursed the full value of your sum assured plus an extended recovery income of 10% your sum assured every year for 5 years.

Who is eligible to apply for this health insurance?

Anyone above 14 days of age and below 60 years old are eligible for this cancer insurance policy. 

Once you've purchase a policy, you may renew it until the age of 80 years. 

How much are the premiums of my AIA A-Life Cancer360?

Your AIA A-Life Cancer360 premium is determined by a number of underwriting factors including age, medical history, occupation and other factors as required by AIA so it will vary from one individual to another.  

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