AmAssurance Household Guard

Some things are just irreplaceable but with a good home content protection plan in place, rest assured that you will be compensated for the loss of prized possessions due to all manner of perils.

AmAssurance Household Guard
Home Repairs
Not Covered
Rent Insurance
Death Benefits
Not Covered
TPD Benefits
Not Covered
Personal Liability
Not Covered


How much you can claim for AmAssurance Household Guard

Home PropertyTotal Amount Covered For Damages To The Building, Not Exceeding The Property Value.
Not Covered
Home ContentsValue claimable for house contents if damaged is caused by any of the events covered.
House RepairsFor repairs to house property that are caused by events covered under this plan.
Not Covered
Rent InsuranceLandlord insurance if you cannot collect rent because the house is uninhabitable.
As Charged
Electronic DevicesThis covers damage and loss of electronic devices for events covered under this plan.
As Charged
Cash ProtectionCash value that is insured against lost for incidents covered under your plan.
up to RM1kincludes cash, bank notes or coin collections
Jewellery & ValuablesAmount covered for loss and damage to your jewellery and other personal valuables.
up to 30%of sum insured, includes silverware, gold, platinum, pewter, watches or furs
House MirrorsCost to replace house mirrors that are damaged during any insured event.
As Charged
Door LocksFor charges to replace house doors and locks due to damage.
up to RM200Optional Cover, in consequent upon theft/ burglary
Domestic Worker PropertyValue insured for property belonging to the domestic worker under your care.
As Charged
Refrigerator ContentsFor the cost to replace damaged contents in the refrigerator.
up to RM200Optional Cover, caused by insured perils
Fire Department ChargesFor charges billed by the fire department that's covered under this plan.
up to RM5kOptional Cover
Removal Of PropertyCost to move property from your house due to events covered.
As Charged
Public LiabilityCoverage for public claims due to damage or injuries caused by your house property.
up to RM250k

Coverage Type

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Thunderbolt
  • Flood
  • Water Tanks Or Pipes
  • Explosion
  • Impact Cover
  • Aircraft And Aerial
  • Subterranean Fire
  • Hurricane Cyclone Typhoon Windstorm
  • Earthquake Volcano
  • Theft
  • Riot Strike

How to Claim

Who do I contact if I have a question or emergency?

Home Insurance Claim Hotline

For more details on how to claim, visit the claims centre page here.


Minimum Entry Age
At least 18 years of age
Maximum Entry Age
At most 70 years of age

More Information

Understanding what risk is and where it comes from is essential for every homeowner. Liberty General Insurance Berhad (formerly known as AmGeneral Insurance Berhad) provides you with comprehensive protection coverage with its home insurance plan.

What am I covered for with AmAssurance Household Guard?

AmAssurance Household Guard is a protection plan for contents residing inside and within your home premises.

Most of your insurable home contents (including domestic worker’s property, if any) and personal belongings will be shielded for situations such as loss or damage due to natural strikes, criminal attempts and freak accidents.

That’s not all, you are also covered for Public Liability for up to RM250,000, just in case you or your family members or guests had an accident within your house compound.

What are the key features of AmAssurance Household Guard?

Knowing the types of covered perils is as crucial as that of the situations you are insured for. With AmAssurance Household Guard, your home contents and personal effects will be covered for loss and damage due to events such as:

  • Fire and lightning
  • Explosion
  • Natural disasters i.e. windstorms, typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions
  • Impact damage by aerial and/or ground devices
  • Theft/burglary following forcible entry
  • Hold up and armed robbery
  • Bursting or overflowing of domestic pipes/water tanks pipes/water tanks
  • Riots, strikes and malicious damage

There is also extensive content coverage which includes:

  • Furniture including wall mirrors
  • Electrical appliances including camcorders, cameras, etc.
  • Personal computers including their software
  • Silverware, gold, platinum, pewter, jewellery, watches furs up to 30% of the sum insured
  • Cash, currency notes, bank notes, and coins collections up to RM1,000
  • Personal effects situated within the compound e.g. bicycles, and gardening tools up to RM1,000
  • Antiques, valuable paintings and other valuables up to 30% of the sum insured
  • Domestic worker's property up to RM1,000 (if any)
  • Damage to refrigerator contents and the like caused by insured perils up to RM200
  • Damage to locks and keys consequent of insured perils up to RM200
  • The fire department charges up to RM5,000
  • Property temporarily removed
  • Personal Accident coverage for up to 5 members of the household up to RM10,000 per person
  • Cash reimbursement of up to 10% of the sum insured

How much premium do I have to pay?

Your home insurance premium will depend on the type of your residence (landed or flat/apartments), the type of constructions, the cover selected and the sum insured, including a commission of 25% paid to the insurance agent. Moreover, you will also need to pay for a Stamp Duty of RM10 and a Service Tax.

Bear in mind to avoid adding on unnecessary risks as it will increase your premium, which is renewable annually and potentially variable in pricing.

How much should I insure my home and valuable contents?

The rule of thumb for purchasing the right home insurance plan is knowing the appropriate amount to insure your house and personal belongings. It is worth noting that you should always cover your house based on the market value of your property at the time of loss and damage.

In other words, your total sum insured should correspond to the cost of rebuilding your house and replacing its contents. You may also select to insure your property based on the Market Value (equivalent to the depreciated value of lost/damaged items) or Reinstatement Value basis.

Always check with your insurance agent regarding this matter to avoid being underinsured or paying too much.

Can I cancel my home insurance policy?

Yes, you may cancel your AmAssurance home insurance policy. 

However, before cancellation, you should notify Liberty General Insurance Berhad by way of a written notice. Upon cancellation, you will receive a partial refund of the premium provided of which you have not made any claim during the insurance period.

For more details, please check out the product brochure.

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