- Fire
- Lightning
- Thunderbolt
- Flood
- Water Tanks Or Pipes
- Explosion
- Impact Cover
- Aircraft And Aerial
- Subterranean Fire
- Earthquake Volcano
- Theft
How much you can claim for MSIG Houseowner/Householder
Who do I contact if I have a question or emergency?
To make a claim with MSIG you will first need to notify them of the incident that took place, they request that you make a written notice along with a completed Loss of Notification Form, which is similar to a claim form. You might need to be prepared for some questions regarding the claim and the situation. So have all your facts together, date, time, place, a brief description of the incident, how the loss was discovered and the involvement of third parties, if any.
You will also need to compile a list of documents, that need to be submitted along with your claims;
Gather your documents and make your way to the nearest MSIG branch to make your claims.
Fire, theft and armed robbery are just a few dangers that one faces when they have a home of their own. So protect this very valuable asset with a comprehensive home insurance plan that will ensure not only the safety of your home building but its contents as well.
Since this is a comprehensive 2-part plan, you will have two parts to your coverage as well. The first part being the Houseowner section. Houseowner will refer to the protection of your home building, whether it’s a house, flat, apartment, etc. This coverage extends to your fixtures, fittings, walls, gates and fences, and external garages in the vicinity of your home compound.
The second part of the protection is the section for Householder. A householder coverage refers to the protection of your home contents, personal effects that are found in the private dwelling place of your home. If you don’t live alone and have dependents, this coverage is also for their possessions.
Coverage provided is quite extensive and can be found in the list above. For the most part you will be covered against all regular perils, such as natural disasters, impact damage and theft. You will also have coverage for loss of rent with the limit of 10% of the total sum insured. In which case, your home is uninhabited by any renters for more than 90 days.
This MSIG protection comes with its Home Assist feature, free of charge. MSIG Home Assist is a feature that gives you 24-hour assistance for emergency maintenance, structural damage, water damage, restoration work, and even things like pest control.
So if you need a hand fixing some bulbs, clogged pipes and even if you just want help painting, you could always give Home Assist at 1 300 880 863. They offer reasonable charges and satisfaction guaranteed. You also won’t have to pay them cash up front. Any charges, will be billed directly to MSIG and charged to your monthly premiums.
Your premium amount is usually based on how much you intend to cover your home and its assets for. Minimum premiums start at RM60, then you will include the charges for additional protection and valuables.
Premiums calculated for MSIG’s Houseowner/Householder insurance is in accordance with the Revised Fire Tariff which is regulated by the General Insurance Association of Malaysia.
Yes you can cancel this policy if you decide that you would rather not have it. To make a cancellation you will need to submit a written notice to MSIG. Please take note that depending on when you cancel and if you have not made any claims, you may receive a percentage of your premiums back.
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