Maybank Maxihome Contents - Content Protection

Maybank Maxihome Contents

Break-ins, sabotage and terror attacks are unpredictable and can cause some serious damage to both individuals and properties. Pick up a protection plan, to ensure that even if you lose some prized possessions, you have a way to rebuild your life afterwards.

Maybank Maxihome Contents
Home Repairs
Not Covered
Rent Insurance
Not Covered
Death Benefits
Not Covered
TPD Benefits
Not Covered
Personal Liability


How much you can claim for Maybank Maxihome Contents

Home PropertyTotal Amount Covered For Damages To The Building, Not Exceeding The Property Value.
Not Covered
Home ContentsValue claimable for house contents if damaged is caused by any of the events covered.
RM30k - RM150k
House RepairsFor repairs to house property that are caused by events covered under this plan.
Not Covered
Rent InsuranceLandlord insurance if you cannot collect rent because the house is uninhabitable.
Not Covered
House MirrorsCost to replace house mirrors that are damaged during any insured event.
As Chargedfirst RM200 is not covered
Personal LiabilityCoverage for damage or injuries to another person at your house i.e. third party insurance.
As Charged

Coverage Type

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Thunderbolt
  • Flood
  • Subsidence And Land Slip
  • Water Tanks Or Pipes
  • Impact Cover
  • Aircraft And Aerial
  • Hurricane Cyclone Typhoon Windstorm
  • Earthquake Volcano
  • Theft
  • Riot Strike

How to Claim

Who do I contact if I have a question or emergency?

Home Insurance Claim Hotline

Making your claims with any insurance can be a bit of a hassle, but if you have everything you need, ready to go, then the process can be considerably easy. In the event that your home contents are lost or damaged due to a peril covered by the MaxiHome Contents, you will need to first take lots of pictures, as evidence. 

Drop the Maybank Helpdesk a call and they will make the necessary arrangements to send over an adjuster to review the damage and prepare an estimate. The helpdesk will also offer you assistance in the replacement of your property that has been damaged or lost, using their trusted providers.


More Information

What is the Maybank MaxiHome Contents?

There are some things that just cannot be replaced, home contents often fall into this category when it comes to insurance protection. It takes years to collect the right appliances and to pay for the perfect furniture, so protect your assets with a home content insurance plan like this one. At least, this way, even if they can’t be replaced, they can be cherished.

How much coverage do I get?

Since this is a content insurance the policy will protect you home contents such as your furniture, electronics, media equipment, appliances and etc. from possible loss or damage caused by the perils covered under this policy.

A few of those perils will include, coverage against;

  • Theft
  • Natural disasters such as, floods, subsidence or landslips, lighting and thunderbolts, windstorms and earthquakes
  • Fire and explosions
  • Bursting or overflowing domestic water tanks, apparatus or pipes
  • Falling aerial devices or aircraft
  • Impact by road vehicles
  • Riot, strike and civil commotion

An added bonus is that you will also get protection against accidental damage of electrical and electronic appliances in your home. The protection plan will provide you with a personal liability cover against legal liabilities in the event you accidentally cause injury or property damage to others.

What are the details of this protection plan?

Maybank’s MaxiHome Contents is a comprehensive coverage plan for all household contents from the day your proposal is approved. It can be automatically renewed, with your instruction, so that you never have to worry about missing your renewal deadlines.

How do the premiums work?

Monthly premiums for home insurance of any kind is largely based on the amount you have choose to insure your home for. In the case of the MaxiHome Contents, the minimum premium amount starts at only RM21.20 per month.

You can choose to pay your premiums with an auto-debit feature where the monthly amount will be deducted from the account of your choice every month automatically, either via debit or credit card.

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