Tell me about BSN MyHome-i.
Also known as BSN MyHome-i (Residential Property), the BSN MyHome-i is an Islamic home financing for purchasing a property, whether completed or under construction, refinancing or sub-sale. The monthly instalment of this financing is based on a variable rate basis, which will fluctuate depending on the Effective Profit Rate.
You will also enjoy a rebate, which is the profit rate calculated on the unpaid financing amount, for making an early settlement of your home financing. Subject to approval and your credit background check, BSN can offer financing up to 90% of the property value.
What packages are offered under BSN MyHome-i?
There are 2 packages offered under BSN MyHome-i, namely:
- BSN MyHome-i (CES Packages)
- BSN MyHome-i (Refinancing Facility)
- BSN MyHome-i (Redraw Facility)
- BSN MyHome-i (Step-Up)
How to repay my monthly instalment?
BSN provides several conventional channels for you to repay your home financing monthly instalment, such as:
- Over the counter at BSN branches nationwide
- Standing Instructions / Savings Account
- Interbank GIRO (IBG)
Can I fully settle the financing early?
You should know that you need to maintain your monthly instalment payment for a minimum of 5 years, after which you may fully settle your home financing before the end of your tenure by giving a written notice to BSN in advanced. The bank will grant you a rebate for the unpaid profit rate of the remaining months.
Are there any major risks I should know?
This home financing is a secured financing, whereby you are securitizing the house which you are purchasing to obtain this financing. If you don’t pay your monthly instalment payment timely, or worst, defaulted on your financing, your property will be foreclosed!
What documents do I need to prepare?
Together with your application form, NRIC and Sales and Purchase agreement, you should supplement them with following documents:
For individual / joint applicant:
- Copy of NRIC (front and back)
- Latest original and copies of the 3-month salary slip
- Latest 3-months' bank statement
- Latest 6-months' bank statement (other income)
- Latest EPF statement
- Employer Confirmation Letter
- J Form / Latest Income Tax Declaration
- Copy of Sale and Purchase Agreement and / or property documents
- Copy of Evaluation Report from panel valuer registered with BSN (for property purchase).