Tokio Marine Premier PA Partner

Live for tomorrow with a premier Personal Accident Insurance that provides extensive coverage for all your medical bills, weekly benefits, double indemnity and personal liability up to 150% of your sum assured!

Tokio Marine Premier PA Partner
Accidental Death
up to RM1m
Permanent Disablement
up to RM1m
Medical Expenses
up to RM10k


What makes this insurance policy stand out?

Cover Type
  • For Individual
  • For Child
  • For Couple
  • For Family
Maximum Entry Age
Protection up to 80 years
Worldwide Assistance
+603 7628 3780+603 7841 5600
Renewal Bonus
10% increase of sum assured up to 50%   Sum assured for accidental death and permanent disablement


How much you can claim for Tokio Marine Premier PA Partner

Weekly BenefitExtra cash payout if you are unable to work while you recuperate after an accident.
from RM50 up to RM500 up to 52 weeks
Accidental DeathThe coverage amount paid to your closest family members if you die in an accident.
from RM50k up to RM1m 
Permanent DisablementCash payout following an accident if you can't work any longer or perform day to day tasks.
from RM50k up to RM1m 
Medical ExpensesWhat's covered for your medical treatment and services if you're involved in an accident.
from RM3.5k up to RM10k 
Double IndemnityFor death that occurs using public transportation you get double the accidental death benefits.
from RM100k up to RM2m 
Dental And Cosmetic SurgeryTotal cover for dental treatment and reconstructive surgery for injuries that are accident related.
from RM5k up to RM5k 
Ambulance FeeFor the ambulance ride to the hospital and paramedics who arrive on the scene.
from RM2k up to RM2k 
RepatriationTotal expenses to transport your body or ashes back to Malaysia if you pass away while overseas.
from RM10k up to RM10k 
Funeral ExpensesWhat your insurer will cover for your funeral if you pass away in an accident
from RM5k up to RM5k 
Bereavement BenefitCash benefit to your family for death from viral diseases, such as dengue, malaria and JE, as determined by the insurer.
from RM5k up to RM100k 
Hospital AllowanceThis is a cash benefit if you're admitted to the hospital due to an accident.
from RM75 up to RM225 each day, up to 180 days
Hospital AdmissionAmount covered for cashless hospital admission if you're involved in an accident.
from RM2.5k up to RM2.5k subject to overall medical expenses limit
Post Mortem ReportFor the cost involved in determining the cause of death of the policyholder.
As chargedincluded in medical expenses
Alternative Medical TreatmentIn case you'd prefer to seek treatment from a registered traditional medicine practitioner.
from RM40 up to RM40 per visit, up to R400 per accident
HIV Due To Blood TransfusionInsured coverage if you contract HIV as a result of a contamintated blood transfer.
from RM5k up to RM100k 
KidnapCover benefits provided by the insurer if policyholder is kidnapped.
from RM50k up to RM1m exclusive of RM5000 for necessary expenses and RM25000 reward for information
Personal LiabilityCoverage if you're required to pay for damages to another person's property and their injuries.
from RM75k up to RM1.5m 
Snatch TheftFor damage and loss of personal belongings if you're a victim of snatch theft.
from RM300 police report within 24 hours of incident
ProsthesesTotal cost covered for purchase of artificial limbs if you lose your arms or legs in an accident.
from RM2k up to RM2k 
Impotency Or InfertilityCompensation to policyholder if an accident causes damage or loss of reproductive organs.
from RM5k up to RM100k for males up to 60 years old and females up to 50 years old
Weekly BenefitExtra cash payout if you are unable to work while you recuperate after an accident.
from RM50 up to RM500 up to 52 weeks
Travel ExpensesTravel reimbursement for family members to visit you while in the hospital.
from RM1k up to RM1k RM200 each week up to RM1000 per accident

How to Claim

Who do I contact if I have a question or emergency?


Minimum Entry Age
At least 1 months of age
Maximum Entry Age
At most 65 years of age
Maximum Renewal Age
At most 80 years of age

More Information

What is the Premier PA Partner?

The Tokio Mariner Premier Partner is one of the more prestigious personal accident insurance plans offered by Tokio Marine to cater to their many audiences. That does not mean that the plan is exorbitantly expensive but it comes with great coverage and more than enough options.

How much does the policy cover?

Of course, like any personal accident plan, this one covers both death and permanent disability at its core, along with medical expenses, dental and corrective cosmetic surgery and miscellaneous expenses like ambulance fees. The policy will also cover a few more unconventional medical diseases not usually included in a personal accident plan, namely medical expenses when you are hit with Dengue, Zika, Malaria and JE. Since we live in an age where these diseases are no laughing matter you can now rely on this plan to give you some sort of financial backing against them.

You will also be covered against, kidnapping, snatch theft, purchase of a prostheses or wheelchair and permanent disablement to genitalia, which is rather morbid, but you never know what might happen. Not forgetting, travel, repatriation, double indemnity, and funeral expenses are also covered under the policy.

Perks of the policy?

Well the Premier Partner, comes with a total of 8 comprehensive plans for you to choose from, each with a different range of coverage, as well as different ranges for premiums. This will help making your decision easier as you can always select the plan with a premium to fit your budget. On that note, remember to take a look or ask about the job classifications of the policy to ensure you are eligible for the plan that you want.

With this Tokio Marine policy you will have access to 24-hr worldwide coverage and not to mention lower more affordable premiums.

Is there a renewal bonus?

Yes, there is. Every year that no claim is made and the plan is renewed, there will be a 10% increase to principal sum insured for death and permanent disability. This benefit will steadily increase to a maximum of 50% more of the sum insured.

Who can apply?

The plan is open to anyone over the legal age for purchase. You could also pick up this policy as a cover for your kids as well. Any children you intend to cover will need to be the minimum of a month old. The maximum entry age for this policy is 65, after which you can continue to renew it till the age of 80.

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