What is the TRUE Savers Account?
TRUE Savers is a high interest earning account which gives you access to AmBank TRUE banking. Earn above the board rate, and enjoy better privileges along the way.
How do I open an account?
Much like any savings account, all you have to do to open one is to deposit a sum of money upon registration.
In this case the minimum amount for the opening of an account is RM20 only.
If you are a parent opening an account for your child, you will need to bring along both their NRIC and birth certificate for verification. If not, then you will only need to have your NRIC with you.
With the account, you will get an ATM card, for all your day to day transactions and withdrawals.
Since this is a TRUE Savers account, you will receive the TRUE Debit MasterCard.
Does this account work differently?
To a certain extent, one could say that this account is different in its management.
Since the point of a savings account is to save money, this one allows you to impose a transaction limit. Limits like this will allow you to only withdraw money or monies a few times a month, so you don’t overspend, or over draw from your account.
Another thing that is different, is that you get to earn a steady interest rate on any amount in your account as long as it doesn’t fall below RM20.
This means even at the smallest number you get to earn 1.8% interest which will be credited into your account every 6 months.
Do I get protection?
Yes, any amount left in your account is protected by PIDM at all times. So you can rest easy, with your wealth being looked after.