Hong Leong Assurance Term Cover 10

Get coverage you won't regret with this 10 year term plan that gives you pure protection, affordable premiums, and a flexibility to make your choice.

Hong Leong Assurance Term Cover 10
Min Sum Assured
Death Benefit
up to 100% of sum assured
Death Coverage
until age 75
Accidental Death Benefit
TPD Benefit
up to 100% of sum assured


Cover Term
Protection up to age 75
Premium Type
Flat rate. Stays the same throughout coverage term.
Plan Conversion
Option to convert plan To a permanent plan. Last conversion age is 65.
Plan Renewal
Option to renew plan without underwriting up to 2 times
Income Tax Relief
Up to a maximum of RM3,000 a year.


How will Hong Leong Assurance help to secure your family's financial future?

Main CoverageCoverage PeriodAm I Protected?
  • up to 75  years old
  • Yes , up to RM500k  
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)
  • up to 65  years old
  • Yes , up to RM500k  


Minimum Entry Age
At least 16 years of age
Maximum Entry Age
At most 60 years of age
Coverage Expiry Age
At most 75 years of age

More Information

What is the Term Cover 10?

Term Cover 10 is a renewable term life insurance protection plan offered by Hong Leong Assurance. It is a 10-year term plan that you can renew without underwriting up to a maximum of 2 times or, renew the policy once and then convert it to a permanent life insurance plan.

You get the best deal right here with hassle-free procedures and pure protection coverage.

HLA Term Cover 10 - Cover Term and Benefits
Plans Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Coverage Term 10 Years 10 Years 10 Years
Basic Sum Assured RM50,000 RM300,000 RM500,000

Source: HLA Touch

How long am I covered?

Term Cover 10 typically is a 10-year term plan which means you would be covered for 10 years from the time you purchase the policy. However in the case of Death, you are covered either for 10 years from the date of purchase or up till your 75th birthday. Your covered will depend on your age at the time of purchasing the policy.

Following those same rules, in the case of Total and Permanent Disability, you will be either covered for 10 years or until the age of 65, whichever comes first.

How does it work?

Well, when you sign up for the insurance policy you will have a choice of 3 plans, each with different ranges of coverage. Select your preferred coverage based on what you want and what you can afford, and once you’ve settled on a plan, there you have it a protection plan all for you.

Your premiums are calculated based on the plan you pick. However, you can trust that you will have a flat rate premium based on your entry age or renewal age and gender throughout the 10-year policy term.

How do I pay my premiums?

How you want to make your payments is up to you. Either you could pay by credit or debit card, or via online banking. However, the question of how often you need to pay your premiums is relative.

You will have the option of paying your premiums, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. These options are not set in stone, so feel free to switch it up if you are not comfortable with the one you picked. Simply speak to a Hong Leong Assurance customer service representative and they will assist you accordingly.

What are my options with the coverage?

Since there are 5 plans to choose from you will have 5 options on your Basic Sum Assured being, RM50,000, RM300,000 and RM500,000 respectively. You can also extend your coverage to with multiple plans as long as the collective Basic Sum Assured is RM500,000.

With this protection plan you will get coverage for Death, and Total and Permanent Disability. Both are for the same amount of the sum assured. If you’d like to change your sum assured, either to reduce or increase the coverage, you can do that at any policy anniversary. Please take note that any changes pertaining to the Sum Assured, will require underwriting, so be sure to make your decisions beforehand to avoid any complications. 

Tell me more about the renewal and conversions?

As mentioned, the Term Cover 10 is a 10-year protection plan, that you can renew at the end of the 10-year term, without underwriting. You may renew the policy up to a maximum of 2 times, depending on your age at the date of renewal.

However, you also have the option to convert the plan to a whole-life plan or an endowment insurance plan after the 10-year term. With the conversion you will have a whole new plan with longer protection and a completely different set of coverage to suit your needs later on in life. 

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