How to Turn Any Hobby Into a Side Income
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“Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative.”

We’re not sure where this quote comes from, but it sure sounds like solid advice. Most people’s hobbies fall into the latter two. A sport they picked up at school and enjoy doing on their free time, or a talent they discovered and flex every once in a while. But what about the first type of hobby?

Maybe for most of us, coming up with a product to sell and finding a market to sell it to isn’t the most natural thing to do in our free time. But did you know there are ways to make money with the hobby you already have? Even if you think your hobby is not entirely exciting or interesting, we assure yo there’s a way to turn it into some handy pocket money.

How to Turn Any Hobby Into a Side Income

Sell the Things You Make

This is an easy one. Maybe you enjoy filling your free time by doing something with your hands. Baking, knitting, or fixing old machinery, for example. If that’s the case, there are plenty of avenues to sell the finished product at the end of your projects over the internet to interested parties.

Etsy is good for arts and crafts, eBay is good for refurbished items, and there’s also, Lelong, and Craigslist. As long as you don’t attach too much sentimentality to the thing you produce as a hobby, you can sell them and make a tidy profit. You’d be surprised at how much value other people will put on something handmade.

Teach People Your Hobby

Maybe you like cooking and your food is always gobbled up before you can even think of selling it. What you can do then is teach other people how to cook like you. Skills or talents that you can teach besides the cooking one we mentioned, include playing a musical instrument, practicing a martial art, and even a specialised hobby like yo-yo or skateboarding can be turned into a class for hopeful newbies.

You can advertise via any social media channel and offer classes to anyone interested. Being a teacher is one of the best ways to learn more about what you’re teaching, plus you get to still be involved in the hobby and get extra cash at the same time.

Build on the Hobby’s Community

Well, what if your hobby is something people don’t seek lessons for, like say, coin collecting? Then what you can do is get together with other collectors in your area and organise get-togethers or trading fairs. You can set up a community with Facebook and help newbies, arrange trips or invite each other to mingle with those of the same hobby.

Building a fan club won’t initially make you much money, but raising funds for a trip or making merchandise can be a good way to pocket some extra cash here and there while also enjoying your favourite hobby with more people.

Share What You Do on the Internet

So you don’t make things, you don’t like teaching, and you’re skittish around other people. Then what you can do with your hobby is document it and share it online. You can start a blog, (or better yet, a vlog) and talk about your hobby and why you like it. Broadcasting your hobby over the internet will get you a following, however niche that hobby might seem to you right now. The internet is a vast place with people of varying interests and chances are, they’re looking to connect with people like you who have the same zebra hair-collecting hobby as them.

Once your blog or vlog gets a good following, you can count on brands or products inviting you to their events and offering to sponsor you. Ad revenue sharing like nuffnang, gushcloud or the YouTube Partner Programme can also provide you with a cool side income. The only catch with this option is you have to keep posting things about your hobby. Which, if it really is your hobby, won’t be that hard for you now, will it?

Turning a Hobby Full-time

Quite a few hobbyists found they were able to make such good money from their hobbies; they took the venture full-time. If you’re keen on doing so, and have noticed a tidy profit from your activities; you’ll need to consider a good business loan to get you started (unless you made SO much money that you have a tidy capital already!).

Finding a small loan can be tedious when all you want to do is carry on working on your newfound passion business. Let us help you. Our personal loan calculator is just the tool to help you find that little seed fund to grow your business.

Those are our tips for turning any hobby into a side income. Are there any other ways you think we missed? Maybe you think you have a hobby that can’t make you money at all (we doubt it)? Whatever it is, we’re happy to hear from you. Let us know in the comments section below!


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