8 Colleagues You Have Based On KL Gangster: Underworld
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8 Colleagues You Have Based On KL Gangster: Underworld

iflix Original drama series KL Gangster: Underworld chronicles Kuala Lumpur’s dark and dangerous criminal underbelly. But some of its characters may remind you of your colleagues!

1) The Dodgy One

This is that colleague of yours who always seems to have answers to all your problems. But if you take a minute to stop and think about what they’re saying, it sounds a lot like they’re just trying to get you into trouble.

Cheras gangster boss Tauke is always quick to offer you a deal, but beneath his smooth-talking exterior, this big shot has got a lot of schemes under his belt.

2) The Risk-Taker

Some people in the office just like to keep their heads down and avoid getting into trouble with their bosses. But then we also know that one “hero” in the workplace who just can’t resist sticking their necks out in the hopes of a big pay-off.

Shah knows that Tauke’s deal is too good to be true, but he is willing to take the risk for the woman he loves. After all, go big or go home right?

3) The Father Figure

It’s great having a mentor – someone who can take you under their wing and show you the ropes. The corporate world is a scary place, and you should learn all you can from your colleague who’s been around longer than you have.

Similarly, Ayah Zan is the patriarch and boss of the Kampung Baru gang. But don’t be fooled by his fatherly demeanour, Ayah Zan can get mean when he wants to.

4) The Corporate Climber

These are the ones you really have to watch out for. They’ll do anything to get what they want, and they don’t care who gets thrown under the bus in the process! The best you can do is stay away from these corporate climbers and try not step on their toes.

Madam Wong knows how to come up on top. After all, she managed to snag the Bangsar Gang’s top post by killing her husband’s nephew in public! She will climb all the way to the top, even if it means stabbing you (in the back).

5) The One Who Always Smokes

Say you need to ask this one colleague something, but then you realise that he’s out on a smoke break again. He’s always holding a cigarette when you see him outside the office, and you’re pretty sure he wishes he could smoke inside the building too!

Kampung Baru gangster Adi is always smoking, sometimes even while he is fighting! How much do you think he spends on cigarettes in a week?

6) The One Who Never Pays You Back

Remember your colleague who owes you a lot of money? You’ll have to resort to things like constant face-to-face nagging, sending regular texts as a reminder, or just patiently waiting for the day you finally see your precious money back.

Well, in KL Gangster: Underworld, this is what happens when to those who don’t pay up what they owe.

7) The One Who Has Your Back

Yes, it’s a jungle out there, but once in a while you’ll be lucky enough to find a colleague that you can count on. This person will end up being your all-around office buddy, one who’ll keep you going when the times are tough.

There are heart-warming displays of friendship in KL Gangster: Underworld as well. It is always nice to have a buddy who will back you up in a fight, just like how Shameen saved Belut!

8) The Fresh Grad

Ahh, the fresh grads. You can always tell which ones they are because of their youthful faces, hopeful airs, and eagerness to prove themselves. The office wouldn’t be the same without their tireless energy, however long that may last.

Elina is young and optimistic, with bright dreams of starting a new life. Will she succeed in achieving her dreams?

Want to know more about the characters in KL Gangster: Underworld? You can watch all six episodes on iflix now for free!


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